So before I left, like everybody, I send a farewell email to everybody. Something like this :
---------------------------------------------------------------------02/28/2012 04:51 PM |
Below is my first email that I received from Sime Darby, so its only appropriate I end it with my last.
As most of you already know, tomorrow is my last day with the Group. (29th Feb 2012)
I will continue my career's voyage in HR Operations. It was not a hard decision as I always wanted to do and learn more on HR Operations, something that is not offered to me here unfortunately. So naturally when the opportunity knocked, I knew I had to grab it.
To my bosses, thank you for the coaching, your guidance, advice as well as trust in me. I appreciate it very much.
To my colleagues, I thank you for your friendship, your cooperation, your understanding as well as your trust. I can only hope I can find wonderful people like all of you in my new place. I am sure such quotes like " This is during xxxxxxx's administration ... " will still fly around when I leave :D
At least people will still remember me, in a way lah :)
Am happy to see the talents that I groomed are making headlines every where. That is one of the success stories that I will proudly share with anyone in my career path.
Untuk teman-teman di Minamas, terima kasih saya ucapkan pada kalian, atas kesabaran untuk dukungan GSC serta semangat setia kawan kalian yang tiada gantinya. Kapan-kapan saya ke Jakarta akan pasti menghubungi kalian :)
If I may offer a piece of advise to all; " Hiring stewardess to fly an airplane is an act of suicide " ;)
Lastly,please do keep in touch, see you around.
I can be reached at xxxxx
Thank you .
And the best reply I got from one of the HR community member is below :
I see that you have the qualities / traits to be a good HR person , friendly , approachable , cooperative and accommodating - and think that we are underutilising your potential doing routine backroom processes at GSC. And true enough , you have found your work repetitive and boring , and are now leaving to find a more challenging position.
I have no doubt you'll do well in mainstream full-blown HR in your new place ; doing presumably everything from recruitment / sourcing , comben/rewards , training & devpt , welfare etc , but hopefully not too many IR cases to deal with difficult employees and weed out the badhats.
You should continue to be happy-go-lucky as we HR people need to have a fairly good sense of humour dealing with people , otherwise we'll soon go bonkers hearing their complaints and sometimes rediculous demands.
May I share with you some cardinal rules in HR - I'm sure you have heard of them before , but there's no harm revisiting these points;
-Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
-Formal HR training advantageous - but what needed most is good common sense and a big heart.
-Praise in public , reprimand in private
-Dosa dengan Allah senang dilupus dengan taubat , tapi injustice right/correct the wrongs we did to them
-Have thick ears and patience - Listen 80% and speak 20% . Let them speak and pour their heart out Listen to them and in most cases , 75% of problem already solved.
-Firm but fair
-Handbooks and manuals give guidelines that covers at most 70% of situations - but at the end of the day , we should intepret it fairly and do the right thing. " Tiada perlu ketaatan dalam perkara2 yang melanggar hukum ugama"
-Core value Respect and responsibility - one element is not to use words / actions that offend other people.
--The pen is sharper that a sword - careful with emails/letters , not to use big fonts and red colour. Terlanjur perahu boleh gostan , terlanjur kata membawa padah. Don't rush , baca betul2 3-4 kali baru send
-Can use polite words / sentences that can still deliver the same message. There are many ways to skin a cat.
-Nabi tanya sahabat2 siapa orang muflis. Mereka kata orang yang kehilangan semua duit dan harta. Nabi SAW bilang simuflis ialah orang yang membawa bersamanya bergunung pahala ke akhirat , kemudian orang yang dizaliminya didunia menuntut hak mereka didepan Allah. Bila terbukti , pahala2 nya diberikan kepada orang2 yang menuntut . Ramai datang mengadu , dan apabila pahalanya sudah habis dan masih ada yang datang , dosa2 orang yang menuntut pula dilonggokkan keatas dia.
Kita orang2 HR ada harapan dan berpotensi besar jadi muflis - examples , unfair distribution of bonus/increment , unfair promotion exercise , delayed confirmation , complaints swept under the carpet ,favouritism / cronyism , ,
-Siapa yang membantu saudara nya yang dalam kesusahan , dia akan dapat pahala 10 tahun ittikaf - pahala satu malam iitikaf , dia akan dijauhkan dari neraka sebanyak 3 parit . Luas satu parit jaraknya antara bumi dan langit.
- Customer service.
The employee is our most important customer - he is not dependant on us , we are dependent on him.
He is not an interruption to our work , he is the purpose of it.
He is not an outsider to our business , he is part of it.
We are not doing him a favour by serving him , he is doing us a favour by giving us the opportunity to do so.
My best wishes to you and pse do keep in touch
TQ and regards , YYYY
When I finished reading this email, I broke down in tears. This email, is like the basic guide on how to become a HR with a HeaRt. This person, who I look up as if he was my own dad, is a veteran in the HR community. He served the Group faithfully for 30+ years. Because of his principles, he is denied by the senior management to be the Head, another old brat got the position. But like I said, a sharp man. A wise man. He is my mentor. I hope I can become like him.