Thursday, December 31, 2009

OMG I am thirty

Pejam celik2, dah 30 tahun aku bernafas, well officially 26th of this month. Apa yang aku dah capai selama ini? Adakah cukup? Atau harus ditambah lagik. Dan dari segi apa pencapaikan ini di benchmark kan? Lahiriah? Jasmaniah? Entah. Itu yang aku tak berapa nak tahu. Sama ada pencapaian ini bermakna untuk aku, atau sekadar tangkap muat je. Kenapa ya?

Kronologi hidup aku dlm kira2 sepuluh2.

10 tahun = aku darjah empat time nih. Kira baru belajar Alam dan Manusia (subjek old skool nih) Time2 ni aku mmg minat giler pada pelajaran Sains, so ADM adalah satu start untuk aku. Dapat je buku teks ADM, mlm tuh jugak aku khatamkan semua. Best betul . Belajar pasal tanah, air, bumi etc. Yelah, time2 tuh citer kat TV top citer McGuyver. Pasal McGuyver nih, pakai roti sardin ngan telo bungkus pon dia buleh buat bom..huhuh! Time nih jugak, aku aktif dlm bolasepak. Wakil sekolah ngan Zon Sentul. Selalu hari Ahad aku pi training. Time tu lah aku berkenalan ngan pemain2 dari sekolah lain.

20 tahun = aku amik first bachelors aku, in English Language and Literature. Baru setahun jagung di UIAM Gombak. Time aku dulu, tempat tuh tak la cantik mcm sekarang. Dulu2 gerbang tu pon takder, pakai tong drum jer pak guard. Dan time nih juga aku mmg tiap2 malam jam ngan member2 aku. Nothing serious, cuma nak melepaskan tension study. Masa matrix, study tak la tough sangat, masa degree, baru tau langit tinggi rendah. Aku tak minum, tak merokok, takder la nak drug2 nih. Yelah, Allah tak uji aku dgn benda2 tuh, so aku tak buleh juga nak cakap. Tapi alhamdulillah.

30 tahun = ????

Its still undecided, and still open. I have a wife, a family and a huge responsibility following me. I only hope, each decision that I am going to make will benefit everybody, and its correct. I cant afford to make any mistakes now, as 30 is a benchmark that I set for myself to really step in. Ok, Minamas Indonesia in going LIVE this Monday, and I hope everything will be fine. Excelsior!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the road, Banjarmasin

Its a freakin' cold morning. Got my ass up and waited for Atan to catch breakfast together. Checking out at 3pm today, flight at 1730. I am really beginning to hate the travel. To long away from home. I dreamt about my wife last nite, and her cooking. Nothing fancy, but that cooking was straight from her heart, and I love each second I savour them. Ok, am heading to the showers now. And then breakfast. Sigh. Ayang, I need a hug..

Missing my wife badly in Jakarta

Dah seminggu aku dok sini. Rindu betul aku kat wife aku. Dah makan ke dia, dah minum ke, ada sakit2 kepala tak? Makan apa? Banyak sangat mender aku nak tanya dia. Tapi yelah, aku nih menumpang kat hotel nih. Tak berani aku nak lanyak telepon hotel nih. Mampos aku membayarnya kang. Dan bila rindu2 nih, aku akan buka playlist jiwang aku seperti di atas. Teringat time2 dating dulu. Isk aku tak dapat nak imagine hidup aku tanpa dia. Takut. Yang, rindunya abang kat ayang.

Sebelum aku pi Jakarta, aku ngan wife aku team parents aku ke Alor Setar, wedding sepupu aku. Bukan aku rapat sangat ngan sepupu aku, aku cuma nak temankan parents aku je. Dema dah tua. Jadik apa2 esok, menyesal tak sudah. Naik keretapi beb. Masyaallah seksanya. Aku mana tau kelas ekonomi seat dia kecik. Gondroi betul Sian bini aku tersepit. Sakit2 badan dia ke sana. So bila balik, aku dok atas lantai kat bontot gerabak. Lapan jam lebih aku duk bawah. Takpe,janji bini aku sihat walafiat. Sorry yang abang himpit ayang :( I will do something about my weight Insyallah.. :(

Selat Melaka...agaknyalah..
Ada nasi goreng daging sapi (lembu) ngan mie (ejaan Indonesia) goreng Jakarta, aku amik nasik.
Hari Ahad lepas aku bertolak ke Jakarta. Naik Garuda. Rezeki aku, org sebelah aku tak datang, so aku duduk dua seat la..selesa beb. Tak la aku kene mengecilkan diri aku. So makan pon agak selesa la. Flight aku dalam paper tulis 2 jam, tapi tak sampai pon. Cuma time landing, pilot dia bantai pusing, sampai naik cair taik telinga aku. Berpusing2 kat Airport Soeharto, runaway tak clear kot. Tapi alhamdulillah semua ok. Aku pon lama tak naik aircraft. Last sekali masa pi Singapore. Control takut beb..hehe. Time dia nak touchdown tuh, dapat rasa tayar dia terhentak. Overall aku selesa la, suma aku nak komen. Tali pinggang Garuda Airlines, tak cukup nak buckle org yang pinggangnya 55 inci. Eh bukan pengalaman aku, dengar2 org cerita je :p Flight aku pukul 1230 dari KLIA, sampai dlm pukul 1400.

Aku ngan Abang Atan, apahal la gambar nih kualitas mcm gampang!!

Aku mmg tak tau langsung pasal Jakarta nih. So aku follow je Abang Atan. Kat sini, teksi yang boleh pakai dan masuk akal tambangnya, cuma brand Silverbird. Pengemudi (drebar la) depa pon sopan. Tak kelentong. Menurut Abang Atan, kalau ada komplen 2 kali, kene buang kerja. So perjalanan kami sumer pakai Silverbird. Yang siutnya, ada jugak company lian tiru identitas Silverbird nih, seperti cat teksi kaler sama. Apa la. Kami menginap di Hotel Nikko, hotel Jepun. Sempit beb biliknya. Nak masuk bilik air pon aku kene mengiring. Yelah, orang Jepon kan kecik2. Tapi tak jugak kan, kalo yang masuk tuh mamat Sumo, amacam? So sampai je, aku letak beg.

Kelihatan baju jemaju batik utk famili aku..yang paling kiri tuh, dua2 utk wife aku.

Abang Atan ajak aku jalan, dia kata Tanah Abang best. Tanah Abang nih ada gedung jual baju, beg,yg murah. Benda2 yg bermotifkan Indonesia yang datang ke KL tuh dari sini la. Sampai10 kali ganda harga dia bila sampai KL. Aku beli baju utk wife aku, dan famili aku..aku? takder paper. Janji dema ada. Cukup la. Aku lupa nak cakap, aku datang sini amik advance tau. So belanja kene ingat2 beb. Takleh main henjut je. Untuk makan je, sebab nak counter claim nanti.

So, bila dah letih berjalan, kami pi Jalan Haji Agus. Ada restoran Garuda, nasik padang. Sekali duduk, terkejut aku, penuh meja dema tauk lauk. Konsep dia mudah, usik apa yg kaong nak makan je,tanak jgn usik, so dia takkan kira. Makan giler2 beb. Lapa punya pasal. Lepas tuh Abang Atan paksa aku berjalan pulak, exercize katanya. Pergh mcm nak tercabut lutut aku. So bila time makan, mmg hentam gile2. Hehehe. Bayarannya tong2.Balik hotel, rest betul2. Esoknya Senin, first roadshow kat Minamas HQ.

Senin 14122009

PT Minamas Head Office, Jakarta.

Kelihatan Pak Wibowo yang metrosexual memberikan penerangan dgn selamba.

Sampai je aku ke office, Pak Kurnia dan Pak Wibowo sambut kami. So tak lengahkan masa, start la Roadshow, atau dalam bahasa Indonesianya, Sosialisasi. Sessi pertama selesai dgn mudah, sebab untuk managers. Senang depa paham.So mudah kerja aku. Pada aku, since Pak Wibowo tak dihujani banyak soalan, should be okay. So aku cuma catitkan apa concern2 yg enteng2 dari management. Dalam hari Senin tuh, ada 3 sessions, management, execs ngan non execs. Yang aku bengang, IT ngan Accenture. IT sekor pon takde, Accenture seperti biasa cuci tangan. Ah pi mamposlah, aku ngan Abang Atan pon boleh kontrol situasi.
So the next day, Selasa, lebih banyak sesi brainstorm untuk slide yang lain. Sebab next schedule, Sukamandang Estate, Kalimantan Tengah.

So hari Rabu, aku ngan Abang Atan bersiap2 ke Kalimantan Tengah, kali nih naik Riau Airlines. Budget plane pak. Landing kat Pengkalan Bun Airport. Dua je runaway dia. Lek je beb. Sampai je, ada supir datang amik nak Kijang (Toyota Innova) Oklah, aku don depan. Yang ikut, Pak Julfikar, Pak Atan, Pak Kurnia dan Pak Wibowo.
Ikan patin bakar, pergh best nak mampos.

Masa lalu pekan Pengkalan Bun tuh, bersih giler. Tak mcm Jakarta. Org2nya pon nampak relax je, tak la rushing mcm Jakarta. Hidup relax je. Sederhana. Pekan nih kecik, tapi banyak giler masjidnya.
Aku tgk je la. Tempat org kan, sapa la aku nak bising.Naik keter, dlm 150km kot, jalan kampung. Kat Kalimantan kan. Pergh, jalan dia, muat satu keter je beb. Nak buat camner, aku ok lagik. Sekali tetiba supir tuh below masuk ladang sawit..alamak..lagik 70km pakai jalan tanah merah dlm estate.

Aku rasa dah mcm naik kereta rally. Mmg cekap mamat supir tuh, siap Innova tuh panjat bukit. Tak sangka aku Innova tuh lasak gak erk. Minyak pun boleh tahan. Sampai2 je, budak2 trainee kat Sukamandang Estate tuh sambut. Pergh depa nih, mmg hospitable. Layan kita mcm raja. Siap bilik aku, lagik mewah dari hotel. Best giler. Tapi nyamuk banyak. Estate. Nak komplen hapa. So lepas mandi2, budak2 tuh tanya aku mcm mana estate kat Malaysia, adakah estet depa compareable ngan estate kat Malaysia. Aku cakap la, dont think about that. Just work with what you have and improvise. Terhangguk2 budak tuh dgr cakap aku. Aku harap dema paham la, bahasa indonesia aku teruk.
Kamis 17122009
Sukamandang Estate and Training Centre, Kalimantan Tengah.
Mamat ketua Union tuh yg belah kiri sekali, yg tak button shirt dia tuh.

Ok session kali nih agak mencabar, sebab straight ngan kerani estate. Depa nih banyak soalan, banyak yg maut2 gak. Nasib baik Pak Wibowo ada, kalo tak mmg pusing beb. Yang paling banyak tanya, tentunya Pak Ketuo (ketua union, dia ingat dia macho lar) Tapi soalan banyak berdasarkan past operations, so Pak Wibowo la jawab. Tapi biasalah, dema nih skeptikel gak ngan GSC HR, so aku bangun la memberi penjelasan yang agak mampan dan mantop..hihihi

Abang Atan banyak jawab pasal IT. Yang best tuh,mula2 mamat Union tuh hentam GSC, tapi aku kata kat dia aku berterima kasih atas feedback dia, dan aku akan pastikan team Plantations tetap mantop di GSC..dia tepok tangan beb, so anak2 buah dia pon tepok la. Rasa nak nangis pon ada, sebab aku rasa puas hati aku berjaya turn the table 360 degrees. Dan selepas tuh, sessi bergambar seperti biasa..Alhamdulillah, another good wrap. Tak rugi boss aku hantar aku..hihihihhi!

Mission accomplished

So lepas je sessi tuh, kami kemas barang. Kena bertolak ke Pekan Pengkala Raya. Jauhnya 600+km, lebih 8 jam naik Innova. Kali nih driver lain. Naik kematu bontot aku naik keter. Jauh sangat. Jalan teruk, cuaca pon tak berapa bagus. Ada sekali tuh, lagik sikit nak bergeser dgn lori, kalo tak mmg masuk sungai beb. Alhamdulillah, Allah masih bagik aku bernafas untuk settlekan semua hutang piutang dan tambah amal sikit2 sebelum aku pergi. Time tuh, aku terbayang je muka wife aku. Rasa sayu je.Mmg dlm 8 jam, kali sampai ke Pengkala Raya, menginap di Hotel Aquarius.

Boleh la hotel nih, sementara kami nak transit balik Jakarta. Sebab bandar tuh dekat ngan airport.So skang nih, aku duduk bilik siapkan deck2 presentation ngan materials yang tak berapa nak siap lagik. Hari Senin nih ke Banjarmasin pulak, bahagian Sumatra. Flight esok Ahad, pukul 7 malam. Kali nih Pak Kurnia je ikut, Pak Bowo ke Kalimantan Barat. Pak Kurnia dah sound aku awal2, dia nak aku backup dia masa dia present kat sana nanti. Aku pon nak sambung kerja nih. Lepas nih nak tido..ada masa aku update lagik...zzzz....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Its Saturday Nite

Yeh its Saturday, fast following, Sunday, which I hate the most. Since its followed by Monday. I will be in Jakarta, Banjalama, Pekan Baru in Plantations Indonesia's Roadshow.Its going to be two whole freaking weeks, from 14th Dec to 24th Dec. I do hope I will be home for Christmas tho. I am surely going to miss my wife. Actually I do not have to join them, but my boss, being the add hoc master that he is, simply raised my name during management meeting, stating I have the 'chemistry' with the Plantations folks. Well, this 'chemistry' is called, H.O.N.E.S.T.Y Thats how I sold the GSC ideas and processes to them. Plain and simple honesty. I am being a staff first, a Team Leader next. I speak my mind, and I critize what I think and KNOW is not correct. Those consultants in Accenture think they know HR PROCESSES? Phiewie. Sorry folks, you may have the book knowledge, but I have been pulling up my sleeves and doing the dirty work since 2004. Count that, and many of you were still cracking your brains for SPM at that time. Yup. So dont go telling me what to do. Thats why I have the most dynamic team and the most statisfied clients. Numbers and statistics speak for themselves.

Me and my wifey will be following my dad and mom to Kedah, via train.Keretapi Tanah Melayu.My cousin will be having her reception on 12th December. So the gameplan is:
Crazy? Insanity? Madness? Hell yeah. Its not like my parents really forced me to tag along, but they are now senior citizens. And they are travelling all by themselves. I cant let anything happen to them. At least if something happens, I am there. This is what being the first born is all about. And, I freakin love trains

Sadly due to budget constrain, my wife cant tag along to Jakarta. She will return to her hometown in Kuantan, only to return back to KL on Christmas eve. This is actually a great regret for me, if only I have the money..

This Monday is another payroll cut off, for those who dont know, that means all info about your salary should reach the HR already. If not, we cant pay you, as simple as that. Last month was a disaster. We didnt meet the 98% SLA target, due to the introduction of DMR (Digital Mailing Room) Lost invoices, late cases etc you name it. Sigh. But the Group already pumped millions of ringgits foe its implementation. And take a guess it was under whose advice? ASScenture. Sorry folks, Hewitt has better consultancy skills. I dont know why they (Accenture) regard themselves as the biggest player in ASEAN market while their consultants are a like dog poop.Look at the damages they have done in the Invoice Processing alone. Invoice are meant to be paid. Thats why they should flow to Finance first! Duh!

Oklah, enough ranting. Am helping my wife to cook now. Erm cant wait for her dish!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life goes on

Sekarang nih aku kat Kuantan rumah in laws aku, sempena Hari Raya Eidul Adha. Pergh mmg best, makan tak berhenti-henti. Free flow of red meat, muhahah. Best Giler. Semalam aku ngan wife aku serta mak mertua ngan adik2 ipar aku ke Jengka 24, kampung wife aku. Ziarah anak kembar makcik wife aku. Suka pulak babies kembar tuh ngan aku. Siap tarik2 janggut aku lagik. hahaha.Manja betol. Budak2 la katakan. Bila nak balik tuh, mmg problem giler. Sebab jalan takder line ngan lampu. So mmg mencabar la. Drive laju tapi nampak jalan skit2. Dlm masa2 camni, terima kasih Gran Turismo kerana mengajar aku pemanduan cemerlang sejak tahun 1998. MUahaha. Tapi mmg betul, sebab GT nih racing simulation, bukan arcade racer. So mmg banyak teknik aku elajar dlm game nih. Cuma kene ingatlah, idup nih takder RESET button. Apa2 jadik kalu, sundri mau ingat.
(Faisal, aku ngan Adam)

20-22 hb Nov hari tuh, aku pi Sime Darby Team Based Culture camping, read : Kem Bina Semangat. Pergh masuk hutan, masuk sungai, panjat gunung, mmg susah giler. Tido dlm kemah, aduiay, ujan pulak. Mmg lenyo la kasut aku. Aku, paling PANTANG PAKAI BAJU SELUAR KASUT BASAH. Teringat aku masa kerja kat Singapore, pakai pakaian basah pi kerja sebab on the way nak pi kerja, hujan. Subuh2 ujan beb. Koang dok berdengkur lagik, aku dah pi kerja. Nak buat macamnana, rezeki lagu tuh. Redho je lah. Pada aku, janji halal. Dan pengalaman tuh jugak buat aku laku sampai ke tempat sekarang nih. Dlm kem tuh, kami diajar team work etc. Aku mula2 mmg malas giler nak pi, tapi setelah aku pi, aku lebih kenal boss aku Adam, lebih kamcheng la. Senang skit aku nak mintak dia approve apa2..muhahaha. Dia siap hulur tangan masa aku panjat Hamburger Hill (challenge paling susah dalm program tuh) so aku bersemangat. Ada satu kisah, masa aku panjat bukit tuh (curam dia sampai dekat 90 darjah beb) aku terjatuh terjelepok. Masa aku jatuh tertiarap tuh, banyak giler flash kamera kat belakang aku, so aku terpikir, kalau aku mengalah, sure muka aku masuk Sime Darby punya portal, so aku fight ngan diri aku sendiri, aku panjatkan jugak. Org terakhir yang hur tangan kat aku kat puncak boss aku sundri, so mmg best la. Rasa dia ada kat belakang aku. Masa aku sampai, semua org bersorak girang..muhaha.Best best.

Last week, aku bawak team aku pi West Estate kat Careys Island. All sponsored by Sime Darby Plantations Division. First team to be wholly sponsored by client. Banyak giler team lain jealous ngan team aku. Pi mampos la. Team aku kerja keras, so aku ngan Plantations acknowledge that.Kami pergi tgk West Estate, Hatter's Bungalow (rumah pegawai estate), tgk Oil Mill etc. Mmg best ler.So aku kata la kat team aku, kita buat kerja betul2, next year kita pi JB or even better, Indonesia!

PS3 aku trus kaput dah. Tgh kumpul duit la nak beli baru, isk. So meantime, layan PSP jer la. Nak buat camner, ketentuan Illahi. Aku cadang nanti, nak beli Uncharted 2, Eyepet ngan Need for Speed Shift. Beli second hand je la kot. Murah skit. Aku nak hantar wife aku pi amik lesen keter. So boleh la dia pi kerja nanti naik keter. Tak la dia kene panjat dari kaki bukit tuh, dgn anjing liar etc. Lapang skit pikiran aku.

Kang lepas Zohor aku balik KL. Adik ipar aku bawak dari sini sampai tol Bentong. Aku rider dari tol Bentong ke Gombak. Harap2 tak jam. Esok aku kene bawak some of my team members aku kene R&D kat Banting, nak settlekan problem OT utk drivers. Aku malas nak beremail2 nih, kita jumpa face to face senang. 14 sampai 22nd December aku ke Indon, ada roadshow. Uiihh, capek gue..

Friday, October 23, 2009


Lama giler aku tak tulis. Busy giler. Banyak siut kerja aku. Nak intai2 forum pon tak sempat. Bayangkanlah, aku kene lead team Plantations punya HR. Plantation adalah satu business yg rapid expansion dia. Ada je movement tetiap ari. So constantly aku kene monitor la, make sure semua org buat kerja. Masa aku mula2 kerja tempat baru nih, aku ingat SD nih gempak sgt, rupanya sama gak ngan company lain. Disorganized, etc. Biasaklah, mana ada tempat yg perfect kan, ada kerja pon syukur alhamdulillah. Wife aku pon dah mula kerja, realestate. Dia mmg minat bidang tuh, so aku doakan dia berjayalah hendaknya. Gaji sikit takper yang, pengalaman yg penting. Mana tau ada rezeki kita bukak kita punya real estate punya company. Boleh la abg menumpang tuah :)

Last 2 weeks, aku jadik team manager utk pasukan bola department aku. Jadik la. Top five to kat group head office (out of five teams :p) Yang aku sedih tuh, boss2 department, nak mintak sponsorship jersey susah giler. Bukan takder peruntukan, aku pon pelik la. Budak2 tuh main mati2 utk department. Kasik la chance nak vent of stress skit. Dah la depa tak percaya team aku punya prestasi membanggakan, too good to be true katanya. Sebab sebelum nih depam perform just average jer. Now SLA, repo, timeliness, accuracy semua superb. Dan aku punya network ngan org Plantations mmg gempak, depa lagik peercaya pada aku dari boss aku. Have it ever occoured to you that finally you got the right man to lead the team? Assholes.

PS3 aku kene YLOD pulak. Apa la nasib. Dah revive berapa kali aku tak tau. PS3 Slim Malaysia dah keluar, RM1400 = Slim PS3+TSHIRT+Extra DS3+ Game
Ok gak price tuh, mmg aku admit mahal skit. Tapi aku learned the lesson the hard way. Mahal skit takper, janji bila rosak, aku boleh berlenggang ke Sony Service Center kat KLCC utk repairs and whatnot. Lega skit settle utang backlog, aku sambar satu. Cadang nak sambar sekali HDD 500GB terus, sekali harung. Tgk la camner.

Oklah, aku gerak dulu. Nak masak, sat lagik bini aku nak balik, sian dia lapar. Balik2 ada benda nak makan baru la best. OK, ada masa aku tulis lagik.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

status update

Skang nih aku kat KL, rumah parents aku. Tak ramai member yg tau aku dah balik KL, saja aku nak senyap dulu. Bukan apa, skang nih, priority aku, carik kerja dulu. Yg lain kemudian. Bukan nak buat sombing, aku nih jenis tak leh berfungsi kalau ada masalah dlm kepala.So skang nih aku ngan wife aku terpaksa settle dlm bilik lama aku, setup tv ps3 etc. Sian wife aku, aku tau betapa hebat cabaran duk ngan mertua, tapi demi aku, dia gagahkan jugak.Susah nak dapat org mcm dia nih, sabar ye yang, abang kerja nanti kita carik rumah sendirik. Duit EPF abang pon dah cukup nak beli rumah, ayang sabar skit yer. Sekarang nih abang dah terjatuh, abang perlukan masa nak merangkak, berdiri, berjalan dan berlari balik, terima kasih sebab ada jer belakang abang. I love u yang..

Hari tuh kucing aku Toro kene attack ngan kucing mak aku, Tam. Aku dah dukung Toro dah sebelum depa bergumpal, tapi Tam melompat dah gigit ekor Toro, Toro pon terkejut la, terus dia gigit tangan aku. Dalam gak Toro punya gigitan, berdarah meleleh la. Aku tak kisah, dia tak sengaja. Luka kat jari ibu, so tak dapat la main game dua tiga hari. Rajin bini aku cuci luka aku. I love u yang..

31st May nihVICC Band ada 100 years VICC Tattoo. Aku sebenarnya mmg nak main sangat utk exes punya performance, tapi sebabkan aku takleh kasik komitmen, aku tak dapat. Bukan apa, aku banyak benda dah lupa. Trombonist plak, cuma tinggal aku jer yg masih depa contact. Ok meh aku cuba ingat sesapa trombonist, Saiful Azrin = AWOL, Khairul Fahmi = awol, Chong Chia Liang = Awol, Shahriman = awol, Fazrel = awol, shahrizan = awol....tgk..semua mana tah. aku rasa terpanggil gak tapi apakan daya, dgn keadaan aku tak bekerja nih, susah la..jiwa kacau. mana nak concertrate. Aku tgk je la tattoo nih. Nak bawak kamera la. Harap2 lepas tattoo tuh exes ada jamming.

Insyallah dlm 2,3 hari nih aku ada interview kat Bank di atas. Jawatan corporate comm. Aku malas nak harap sangat, kalo tak dapat maleh nak sedih2. Ya Allah bantulah hambaMu ini. Sesungguhnya aku cuma nak menjalankan tanggungjawab aku kepada isteri dan keluargaku. Amin.
Wolverine Origins PS3.
I tried the demo, it rocks hard. It really feels like a Wolverine game, better than the movie IMO. But, I wish Raven can polish up the graphics next time, as it was a jagfest all around. But the gameplay, the mechanics are awesome. Definately getting it. If you like God of War, than this game is for you. I just love how you can decapacitate arms, legs etc.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009



Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Langit nak runtuh ke?

Itu lah yg aku rasa. Tadik aku call la Mrs Yap tuh, tanya pasal kerja kat Impiana tuh, aku dah confident dapat, tetiba dia kata aku unsuccessful. Alasan dia? Dia kata dia nak carik org yg mmg exclusively handle HR before. Ya Allah, aku rasa mcm nak menangis time tuh. Suara aku tetiba jadik besar. Aku kena control beb. Adui. Ada aku call Cik Wazir follow up homestay kat Kuala Pilah tuh, dia kat Ipoh plak. Adui adui. Ya Allah, Kau tabahkanlah hati hambaMu yg hina nih. Seseungguhnya aku dah takdaya lagi dah. Tolong la kami suami isteri nak mencari rezeki halal.

Duit makin takder. Aku sampai terpaksa jual game aku. Aku jual Star Wars The force Unleashed, Ferrari Challenge, Soul Calibur 4 ngan Enchanted Arms. Mmg la ada yg aku tak main sangat, tapi nak beli bukan senang. Tapi aku mesti berkorban. Kalau tak kami anak beranak nak makan apa. Sesapa nak email aku yerk..atau tinggal je komen sini.
Bapak aku dah kata dia dah submit resume aku kat chairman Sime Darby, tgk kat situ pulak. Aku betul2 rasa putus asa. Susahnya nak carik rezeki halal. Aku bukannya nak merompak, tapi nak carik rezeki halal untuk family aku jer. Entahlah. Allah uji aku dgn benda nih sebab Dia tau aku boleh tahan, tapi sampai bila aku boleh tahan, Wallahualam.... Aku redha...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pergi Interview, lagik

Tadik aku pi interview lagik, kat salah sebuah syarikat perhotelan terkemuka di negara. Aku mmg tak tau la apa dia punya post, tapi member bapak aku, tokey hotel tuh, suruh datang interview.So tgh malam semalam aku naik la bas pi KL. Mula-mula masa bapak aku tanya mamat tuh (Dato') sama ada kerja kosong kat tempat dia, dia kata takde. Lepas tuh selang 2,3 hari lepas bapak aku hand over resume aku kat dia, dia sruh PA dia call aku setup interview. Kata minah tuh, dia cuba call aku hari before that, tapi asyik tak dapat. apahal tah. Aku test phone aku elok jer. Tapi tak dinafikan mmg telepon aku tuh ada prob skit, kengkadang call takleh masuk, sms tak sampai. Entahlah. Tapi beria2 la dia nak call, aku..napa agaknya erk?

Tengah hari tadik aku pergi ke Menara apa tah aku lupa namanya. Aku masuk, lepas tuh aku kata la nak jumpa Mrs Yap, PA Dato tuh. Dia suruh aku duduk dulu. Lepas tuh dia kasik borang kat aku, suruh isik. Aku kata la jawatan apa yg ditawarkan nih. Minah tuh kata dia pon tak tau sebab dah lama takda org interview. Aku cuak gak. Lepas tuh Mrs Yap tuh datang jumpa aku, dia kata siap je aku isik borang, dia nak boran aku tuh personally. Aku segan plak nak tanya position apa yg available. Bell boy pon takper, dapat tips beb! Masyuk gak. Lpeas aku dah isi, aku bg la dia. Dia kata hold on ya my bosses are in a meeting. Aku dah kluar peluh jantan, position apa nih sampai yg kene interview aku tuh Regional Director ngan General Manager. Aku buat2 cool. Mana boleh gabra beb. Kool.

Lepas tuh depa panggil aku, aku jumpa dua org Melayu, sorang muda, agaknya tua skit dari aku la, sorang lagik pompuan tua, datin. Ada diorang bgtau nama, tapi aku lupa, hehe. Gabra. Lepas aku duduk, aku nampak borang aku. Tau apa yg trtulis situ?

Application for Post: Admin and Human Resource Country Manager.

Alamak. Giler kentang. nih payah nih beb. Tap aku seperti biasa, keep cool. Diorang tanya la pasal kerja aku kat Singapore, pengalaman aku, pasal job scope aku masa dulu, kenapa aku chow dari Vsource, kenapa aku blah dari Singapore. Pasal blah tuh, aku cakap jer aku kene retrench. Malas nak cerita panjang. Lpeas tuh mamat tuh tanya aku, boleh cakap arab? Aku kata sikit2, dia tanya lagik kat UIA dulu arab amik sampai buku berapa, la budak UIA rupanya. Small world. Akau terengih jer la. Lepas sessi suai kenal tuh, diorang open floor utk aku tanya soklan plak. Dah position mcm tuh, takkan aku nak tanya working hours ngan cuti berapa hari plak. Aku tanya apa job scope aku sebagai HR MANAGER. So Datin tuh pon terangkanlah pada aku. Aku menyampuk2 ilmiah la, kene kontrol beb. Berlakon kene gempak..muahaha. Lpeas tuh, aku tanya la adakah sektor perhotelan ngan perlancongan kene teruk sebab ekonomi skang nih..chewwah1!!! Mamat tuh plak terangkan pada aku, aku pon tambah2 la yg aku kata aku ada buat research sektor yg paling teruk effect adalah sektor kilang dan p[embuatan..hahahha..Jawatan mcm tuh, kena la tanya soklan global skit beb.

Sebelum aku blah, depa tanya aku, ada pakai kereta, aku kata ada, kereta apa, kereta proton, proton apa, proton wira, wirma yg mana, wira aeroback..haha banyak tanya plak datin nih. Lepas tuh dia tanya sama ada pasport aku idup lagik, aku kata ya. Dia kata pakai telepon model apa, aku tunjuk la telepon yg aku pinjam dari bini aku, Sony Ericcsson Walkman yg flip tuh. Dia tulis something kat borang aku. Erm...adakah..

Aku rasa, insyallah aku ada can nih. Sebab yg mai interview tuh aku sorang jer. Lepas tuh depa tanya aku soklan bonus, nak gaji berapa. Aku kata la aku tak kisah asalkan berp[adanan ngan pengalaman aku., Depa nak figure gak, so aku kata la dapat RM3500 pon aku dah happy. Depa angguk jer. Datin tuh tanya aku bila boleh start, aku kata sekarang dah pukul 4.30 Datin, esok saya boleh start. Depa ketawa, jadik punchline aku, hihihihi!

Ya Allah, dapat la naknya aku kerja nih. Aku nak sara rumah tangga aku, family aku. Aku rasa dah kusut masai sebab tak kerja nih. Duit kredit jer, debitnya takder. Oklah, sat lagik aku nak blah. Oh ya, plug umah aku short, so semua suis lampu out. Aku malas nak suruh maintanence repair sebab aku nak belah dah pon, nasib baik plug tv sumer ok. PC aku plak meletup, so aku surf pakai PS3 la. Sapa kata Ps3 punya Internet browser tak guna oi. Oklah, doakan ye kawan2. Aku niat nak sara famili aku jer. Amin..

Monday, April 13, 2009

manakah teman-teman??

aku pikir2 balik, cik wazir senyap je pasal kerja ari tuh. kerja dia lebih pada event management, aku kene la co ordinate clients punya event. di samping jaga sebuah homestay kat Kuala Pilah. dia suruh aku duduk sana, aku pon orait la, sebab free kan. tapi lepas meeting senyap je, takut gak aku.bukan apa, kerja dia lebih pada share. banyak dapat even, banyak la share. takperlah, dari takder duit. bini aku pon cakap,kalau buat betul2, mmg boleh kasik pecah la. tengok la mcm mana. kalau ada, mmg aku busy la nampaknya. nak main game pon tah tah tak sempat. lagik satu concern aku, rumah free tuh, cik wazir cakap ada anai2. alamak, buruk sgt ke? jgn la jamban kat luar, perit beb. betul2 perit. aku cukup benci jamban kat luar nih, kalo ye mmg ku gali lobang dalam rumah. tension siut. tempat tuh mcm resort dari apa yg bini aku baca, cantik la, ada waterfall sumer. tapi takkan nak melabur kat waterfall. kalo kene melabur pukul 3,4 pagi camner. tak ke haru.

aku ada gak apply kat tempat lain, tapi..entahlah. kalau nak ikutkan, aku mcm dah patah semangat. asyik rejected je. UIA pon reject, Maybank pon reject. Nak kata aku fresh, aku 5 years experience beb. adui. pening betul lah. Kadang2 aku pikir nak meniaga je. tapi aku tak nak susahkan sesapa. aku nak berdiri sendiri. tapi yelahkan, bila kita susah, yg tolong kita adalah famili kita. mana pergi kawan2 yg kita sesama kerja keras dulu. bukannya dia tak tau aku still takder kerja. dia bukan calang2 org, ada position dlm company baru kita. ada dlm facebook aku. tapi yelah, sapalah aku untuk ditolong. masa isap rokok kat bawah, aku takder. aku mana isap rokok. aku tak minum. aku tak hip, cuma team leader cabuk je.

takperlah, mcm kata mak aku, ada je rezeki tuh. Insyallah..

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Rained heavily yesterday..

Semalam aku telephone head hunter yg offer aku interview kat Maybank Bukit Jelutong tuh, nak tanya la pasal kerja itu hari, mcmmana aku dapat tak. Sekali dia inform aku, yg aku GAGAL. What the Ef. Sebabnya, aku jujur sangat. Dia kata aku tulis yg aku ada hypertension dlm form aku. La...bapak tak logik alasan Maybank ni. Jujur pon salah, tak jujur pon salah. Aku serious cakap, time tuh, nak menitik air mata dah. Susahnya nak carik kerja skang nih. Apa la nasib, mana-mana pon kene reject. Ni semua bahana kegawatan ekonomi globak ciptaan Illuminati sial. Lepas tuh aku dgr bunyik telephone. Eh, aku angkat la, rupanya Cik Wazir, sepupu bapak aku. Dia tanya aku, sama ada aku carik kerja lagik. Aku jawab la fuck yeah (tak la sebut fuck, nak tambah drama jer :p). Dia kata, dia ada company, buat homestay and event management. Dia kata, kalau aku nak, dia nak aku kerja dengan dia, jaga homestay ngan even management tuh. Aku mula-mula, masuk area vakum gak, sebab aku takder pengalaman dlm budang management nih, especially property management. Tapi bila dipikir balik, family aku needs feeding, so aku kata yes je. Dia kata, kita kira bisnes anak beranak la. Insyallah, hari Selasa nih aku ke KL, jumpa dia tgk job scope ngan pakej gaji macammana. Aku rasa LEGA dan bersyukur sangat. Tu la, Allah maha kuasa. Baru la semangat skit...Alhamdulillah.

Toro ngan Kimi, kucing aku dah jadik cam anak beranak plak. Seronok kami laki bini tgk dema baik, yelah, Toro, walaupun besar, tapi dia tak buli kucing kecik. Cuma dia nih selalu horny la, aku tak salahkan dia. Nature dia. Nak buat mcmmana. Kimi plak mmg playful. Lompat sana lompat sini. Dia pon rasi dengan kami. Masa aku beli dulu, kurus giler siut, sekarang nih alhamdulillah dah berisi skit. Nampak la pertu dia dah buncit, tak la tulang temulang. Wife aku kata, semalam Toro ajar Kimi berak kat cat litter tuh, alahai sweet giler. Welcom to our famil Kimi.

Semalam aku beli barang kat Giant Tampoi ngan wife aku, nampak la 'BD' Wolverine, so aku beli la. Aku ada download, tapi nak tunggu siap, sempai la aku anak satu kot. Cerita kali nih pasal asal usul Wolverine. Berdasarkan komik Wolverine: Origins.

Ok. Aku dah baca komik dia, aku mmg baca Marvel sebelum nih. Pada aku, kalau korang tak pernah baca komik dia, mungkin cerita kali nih menghiburkan. Tapi pada aku, average je. Sebab jalan cerita dia dah jadik TV friendly, sebenarnya tone dia dark lagik dari movie. Lepas tuh ada beberapa plot byte yang agak mengarut, especially masa Wolverine volunteer nak masukkan adamantium dlm badan dia (dia tak pernah voluteer pon beb, dia kene tangkap, tu sebab dia mengamuk kat Alkali Lake) Anyways, cita ni oklah. Tapi utk org yg baca komik mcm aku, susah skit lah.

Ok Selasa nih aku nak ke KL nak tgk details dan job scope aku mcm mana. Stay tune and wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

aku di sini...tiada bekerja

pada sapa yg tak tau, ini adalah doa nabi Yunus semasa dia dlm perut ikan.maksudnya lebih kurang, Tiada Tuhan selain Kau (Allah) maha suci Engkau, sesungguhnya aku dari orang yg zalim. Doa bila kita dalam kesusahan.

dah genap 2 minggu aku kat sini..takder kerja..Ya Allah susahnya nak dapat kerja sekarang...aku pon..rasa mcm nak give up..berbagai tekanan yg aku hadapi..yg aku bengang kat company cam h5bc ngan konvergis (saya aku typokan) mula2 dah mcm interested ngan aku..alih2 tak jadik. sakit betul la. hutang semua delay sebulan. aku ada gak hantar borang ngan resume kat IKIP, UMP,UIA tapi senyap je. entahla, sat lagik aku nak call UIA tgk mcmmana. aku plan, nak amik tutoring sambil buat full time masters kat UIA. Aku admit, aku tak la suka sangat mengajar, tapi time mcm nih, i dont have that option.

hari Isnin lepas, aku pi interview Maybank call center kat bukit jelutong. sebab aku punya experience, mereka tanya aku soalan2 cam takper ke aku mula dari bawah balik, gaji rendah etc. aku senyum jer jawab takpe. ikut hati, nak je aku jawab nak buat camner, saya nih lari tak laju, kalo tak sure dah rompak bank dah. kadang2, aku menyesal sebab aku berenti. bukan nak jilat ludah sendiri, tapi sebab aku berenti, semua org susah. demi famili, usahkan ludah, kahak pon aku jilat. tanggungjawab aku beb.

hari2 aku bangun pagi, blank. dah biasa bangun pagi. aku mesin kain, bagik makan kucing, check email kalau2 ada email tawaran kerja. ya Allah, bosannya hidup aku..aku bukan tanak pindah balik KL atau ikut bini aku kat Kuantan, tapi pada aku, aku nak pindah tempat yg aku kerja. aku, TAK SUKA hidup atas ihsan org lain. aku dah biasa tolong famili, so pada aku, hal2 tolong menolong nih pada bahu aku, bukan pada mereka. Ego ke tuh? aku pon tak tahu, tapi pada aku, aku yg seharusnya tolong famili aku tanggung jawab aku sebagai suami dan anak sulong.

Maybank tuh aku rasa, dlm 90% dapat. mereka pon aku tgk cukup suka pada aku. yelah, sapa tanak staff yg ada pengalaman, pernah manage dan establish 2 call centers, dibayar dgn gaji murah. nak buat mcmmana. better tahn nothing. aku nak kena kasik makan famili aku, bayar hutang. sapa nak bagik rm2.5k sekarang free2 oi. takder. ramai member2 tolong aku carik kerja, famili pon, aku appreciate. Allah je dapat balas jasa korang.tapi in the end of the day, it all depends on rezeki. Entahlah, hebat betul ujian Allah kali nih. aku harap aku berjaya ujian nih.

Abang Tajudin, mintak tolong aku main trombone utk exes punya performance tattoo bulan 5 nih. aku mmg nak main, tapi nak bagik komitmen nak datang practise tuh yg payah. aku nih, dah la takder kerja, jiwa pon kacau. nak main game pon takder mood. tuh kat rumah tuh. bayangkanlah kene datang V.I Dah lama aku tak datang tgk sekolah, tapi sejak Shapie Apdal tolong V.I dapatkan status Natural Heritage, ada la lega skit darik V.I terima nasib yg sama cam BBGS. Tapi, bangunan tak penting, school spirit yg penting. dan aku dah takder school spirit. banyak lagik benda2 yg lebih penting aku nak pikir.

Petang nih aku nak walk in interview kat Gian Tampoi, management trainee. tgk la mcmmana. doakan aku. until next time, itupon kalau aku ada duit nak bayar streamyx nih..hahaha!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

what a wonderful day

From today onwards, I will be splitting my posting with several titles, means that if you want to skip some sessions, you can. I will be splitting it into Life, News, Gaming and Freemason watch. Simple eh? So anchors away!

Boy life is tough. Really tough. I was walking down to the parking lot yesterday, only to look at my bike's flat tire..I was like fuck..I dont know any shops nearby and lucky for me, I saved up some Singapore dollars..if me the chills just thinking about it. So I had to push my bike from Science Park all the way up to West Coast. But Allah wanted to help me, while I was pushing my bike, there was a dude there informing me there was a bike shop somewhere in West Point. So I was like, okay..The push was nearly 12kms, and the time was around 2 hours. My shirt was wet with sweat, my knees were swollen, of course I am tired. Have you guys felt sop tired you wanrted to throw up? Well, that was how I was feeling. I arrived at the shop, the fees were 15 singapore dollars. Ah not bad. Wat better than pushing the thing all the way to JB. That is like 50 kms folks. Fifty fucking kms.Ah well, I am not mad. Its all Allah's plan. I am sure there is a reason behind it. Hey, finally I know a bike shop in Singapore.

Wathca gonna do when they are coming for you!

Okay regarding this case, the victim, Elizabeth Wong's old flame is now the main suspect. Okay, actually I am not interested to talk about the fella. So he banged her and took several shots of her in sleeping position. Personally for me, its their FUCKING LIFE. Why does everyone needs to be so pumped up about? Sure, the dude is a Muslim but since he already hit puberty (assuming) so I think he is accountable for his own actions. The thing is, its not about their sex life, or the phote, but I am worried about privacy. We have data privacy, we have payroll privacy, but ironically, we dont have such thing as LIFE PRIVACY. The way the phots was distributed was also, an 'iffy' if you know what I mean. Okay, so we cant sleep in the nude inside our own house now?What I do inside my house what I know thats it is not against the law is my goddamed business. So, if I managed to get a photo of Najib in the nude bathing, I can ask him to step down?See the logic there? Whats stopping other people from doing the same thing? No I am not interested in Elizabeth's decision to step down, because I FUCKING RESPECT her privacy. Thats the least I can do as a human being.

Gaming Front
Killzone is just around the corner. So is Resident Evil 5. Unfortunately I can only get them after I receive my final pay, somewhere around 16th March. A long way to go eh. I am currently hogging all the throphies in Burnout Paradise, racing the amount with my wife. Ah, so good to have a game both of us can enjoy togethter. And they way gaming is anti Until then, feast your eveys in the latest Killzone TV commercial

Freemason Watch
Okay, from now on, I will be putting Youtubes on The Arrivals. A good video to unplug yourself from this world. I suggest you find the full episodes from torrents.

This is just an introduction, think of it as a course. Sure, youtube censored some of the videos, but I will be uploading them to my Rapidshare too. Get them from there. Here is episode 1, I hope, you can spread this to other people. This is one of the ways we can make sure then message will be conveyed and Insyallah, more people will be awakened..

The Arrivals Intro1

The episode insyallah are PS3 and 360 friendly. Do spread the links. More episodes coming. Later guys.

Monday, February 16, 2009

One month to go..

Yup, another month to go before my final day here. My last day Insyallah will be on 16th March. My boss already removed my access in the Operations' side, so that means less work. But the drawback? Should any complaints (that will make that bitch prancing like a pony) arrive, I do not have the access and tools to check them out. Ah fuck it. Like I care. Oh yeah, I was browing my HDD, found this amazing Motorstorm 2 screenshots that I thought would be awesome wallpapers, just grab'em. You are welcomed.

Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at

Oh yeah, I was supposed to get one job in a MNC Bank, as a Recruitment Manager. Everything went smooth, even my buddy who recommended me told me that they were in the final stages to discuss how much to pay me (is rm8k too much?) but suddenly after I called them, they said I was unssuccsessful. WTF..I called my buddy and he was so shocked,and promised to help me in another company. Ah, what to do. I can only tawakal after my work. I believe there must be a reason in everything. God is allknowing.

Free Image Hosting at
This picture was taken on Jan 16th in accordance with our office's celebration on January Babies, and that evening I tendered my resignation. Ah the irony..

So now, I am still applying here and there. I applied to Petronas, HSBC, OCBC, MISC, all via internal connections. Dont get me wrong, they only helped to submit my CV to their HR. That's that. Nothing more. You know, since not everybody is fond on checking work related emails and application. I skipped the queue, sue me. This is the survival of the fittest my friends, and even though I am a bit, how should I put this, meaty, I am still!

But there is still one month to go. Still a lot of things can happen. I believe that Allah's earth is too big, and rezeki is everywhere. My wife is an excellent cook, she can literally melt me with her Gear box soup:
not by her but more awesome than this

I was thiking, if I still do not get ANYTHING by 16th March, I will just go to any walk in interviews (Giant, Jusco and Carrefour came into mind) and apply there. They want people.Thats for sure. And I am going to invest into buying a preassure cooker, and will sell those awesome soup, helped by my wife of course after work. So the things I will have to buy:

  • table, obviously
  • preassure cooker
  • a couple of chairs
  • a drink container
  • plastics
  • strofoam cups and bowls
  • goats' leg duh.
I think they wouldnt cost more than RM300. If I can find a sweet spot anywhere here in my county, I think I can pull this off. Selling the soup, from the back of my car. I will encourage take aways. Why the drink container you say? Because its an ope secret this soup is high in cholesterol(please pardon my spelling, I took Arts stream when I was in secondary school), so we need to counter this with drink high in fibre and vitamin C, yup, fresh orange. From what I gather, most of the shops selling similar soup for RM7-8, contains 2 bones, no drinks. Fuck that shit. You can get a kilo of the bone for what, RM11? And a kilo usually consists of at least 8 bones. You guys are mamaks or Jews? If this thing is pulled out, I want to sell mine for RM7, PLUS DRINKS. its kinda like a combo meal. I think thats a sweet deal. Allah, help me on this.I believe that halal income is better than haram. I know there will be people who will object and critique the idea, but for me, I am responsible to provide my family with needs, as long as its halal, I have no problem.

I plan, once I get my Singapore final pay, going to grab 2 games, namely Killzone2 and Resident Evil5. Played the demo, I was impressed, especially Killzone, boy that game really lived up to its hype. I just hope I have the time to play them after my soup sessions lol

Thanks for stating the obvious, Mister!
I repeat! Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?!!

Anyways..later. Got some errands to run.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

well well, looks like my boss is FUCKED

I do believe you all remember how I resigned last here I attach a following email from our Bussiness Director, stating that the clients did compliment me.

Singapore Speed Dial: ***
20/01/2009 13:12

My manager, My TL, ************, Jimmy Najib/Singapore/*************
****** *****'s Service Feedback

Hi *********

Met **** ***** and her team this morning.

Overall the service level has improved. ***** ***** have complimented our good service to the processors
Jimmy, ***** and *** ****. She also give positive comments to Jimmy who is able to turn things around and
the response time is much quicker.

I hope this level of service will continue to be maintain so that we will have more happy clients which will result
in more referrals from them.

Once again, thanks team for the effort to keep the clients happy and satisfied.

With warm regards,


So fuck you bitch. Fuck you. Looks like I won just now. HAHA! Do I want to reconsider? Hell no. My self respect is higger than Singapore dollars.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally I gave the letter..

Today 16th Jan (ten days before my 29th birthday), I finally gave my resignation letter to that walking yellow teethed bitch. Yup.Actually I didn't plan to give it out so soon, I was thinking after Chinese New Year would be a more suitable time. But today's incident was the cream of the crap. Personally, I don't care about titles in office. Seriously, I don't want to be a team leader in a dying company. And I am getting to 29th year soon, so I don't think I am a person with team leader skills. I am ready for managerial responsibilities.Its better for me to give them the letter before they give me their letter, if you know what I mean.

Actually, there was a complain from my client that I didn't update the system according to their request. I rechecked my records and I can't find any written request from them. Unfortunately the crap whore head HR of the client accused me of not updating the system (while her HR team members hide, because the know that was not the case), and in that email, she cc'ed my manager. Well, all hell broke lose. My TL, who was out for my blood saw this as her golden opportunity. She smashed me in front of the management, saying I was careless etc. What the fuck. Seriously what the fuck. I was a customer service guy for 2 freaking years and I just started to handle workforce management less than 5 months. I know my work, and I know I cant be THAT BAD. Any big request such as this I am sure to remember. I was really flabbergasted. But my buddy, Joel managed to pull one email from the system that clearly showed that I did respond to client's need, but they gave me incomplete info, so I returned the mail with request for confirmation.Guess what, they never got back to me. So my name was cleared. But still that whore blamed me because I didn't send proper notification mail to the clients before performing year end closing. Fuck that shit, it was never practised before. I was thinking to cover client HR team members, but they never cover me. Well, so much for friendship, fucking weasels. The see me getting fucked by their boss, and none of them interfered to back me up. There were three incidents that forced me to resign, without any proper job offer.

+ My TL was fucked up because she didn't get to the other vendor on time, then she pulled my name out of thin air saying I was the one who was supposed to get to that vendor. Fucks sake, I didn't even know what was the thing about?!!

+ My TL accused me of updating the wrong info in the system, I explained to her that the info in the system for that particular entity was done by operations people.She fucked me without even checking with me, and really placed the blame on me. In the end, the responsible Ops person admitted her mistake. Nobody, even APOLOGIZED TO ME. Fuck!

+My TL, spread lies, saying I told her I was training a lot of people on WFM in K.L last time. For fucks sake, if that was the case, why did I needed the training from WFM people??!

+The latest case above.

The thing is, management is aware of this problem. In fact, everybody in the office knows and hates her, but nobody is willing to talk about it except me. Guess my balls are the biggest in South East Asia office after all. And without proper feedback from other associates, the management can't do shit.Ah forget about it, its all over.

I have two job interviews on the 30th, one which involves a team leader position in a cable TV company, another one is about hiring manager, in a multinational bank. Am hoping to get that management position. Tomorrow I am moving out of this house, to a condo nearby, Then I have to move back to KL, because jobs are there..sigh..I don't know whether I have the financial capacity for it.. But one thing is for sure, I felt relived after I sent my letter to her. I am sure HR will call me this Monday, if they ask me whats my next target, I am going to say, Uh I want to be a model. This I owe to myself.