Friday, January 15, 2016

I Am A Hypocrite

Okay I just got my Hasbro Protectorbots,  also known as, Defensor.  I was contemplating to get this guy after Menasor and Superion,  mixed feeling I guess. But overall,  it's a nice figure if you are fond of Transformers Combiner Wars line.

However, the reason I am writing today is to admit that I am a Hypocrite. There, I said it. Why is that? Okay,  all this while I am chanting about being a G1 purist. So a friend asked me why I didn't get the Takara version that comes with the original member Groove instead of the updated member, Rook.

Bottom is Takara's Unite Warrior, Defensor. Notice it's right leg, Groove. The motorcycle, faithful to its G1 counterpart.  Personally for me, that would be correct if you set the scenario in the 80s as during those days,  a police convoy would include a patrol motorcycle. Just look at those 80s policy TV series.  Fast forward to now, that is not the case anymore. Rook is a SWAT attack vehicle. He is relevant with the current team.

Ok ok, I admit it. I have issues with small limbs. And motorcycles that are bigger than cars.

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