Sunday, November 9, 2008

Metal Glitcher Online

Since I bought the expansion pack, I was eager to play the survival mode. You know, the mode where you enter and get specific points to buy better looking gear. Not mea ning better in game play (like Monster Hunter Online for PS2) but purely for braggin' rights. Yup. Pure braggin rights. So we can log in and just say, Uh look at that noob, still wearing that mountain bike helmet!Brag all you want pip squeak, yeah, I am still a LEVEL 3 SLOTH. So what? I do have a life. Its not like I want to play the same game over and over again. Unlike most people, my PS3 library consists of more than 10 games*winks*

So there I was, hoping for a good game. Like any soldier, I logged in the lobby, as usual, when people see the SLOTH and the current level i am in, they kinda kicked me. Yeah, kick me Mr Internet Tough Guy, I dont care. So I created a team, THE GREENHORNS. All boobs were welcomed :)

So we started to play with other teams, the first team was okay, consisted of like 6 Foxhounds. Yup. We were slaughtered. We had fun, well at least I did. 50 points there. Then the second team. This is where everything started to go wrong. There was this guy, who could shoot people from behind walls. Yep, he was a Foxhounds. Not saying that all Foxhounds are fucktards, but most of them are. Like this dude. Owned all of us, and freaking proud of his glitch. Even called us fags. What the fuck. Same with the third team. And the fourth team. Glitchers rule baby!

I dont take this game seriously, really. But for other people, to ruin the fun that I am having for a thing that I paid is wrong. So I will email Konami about this and until they fix the thing, am not planning to buy the MEME Expansion. I hope you guys are with me. This is the only way we can overcome this. We paid for a product and we do not what it to be broken.

About that devilish glitch:
The MGO Glitch Faggots

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